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We are very excited that you have decided to adopt one of our kitties! We have just a few questions for you, to make sure everyone gets their happy beginning. Getting a new kitty is like getting a new family member. They need to be treated with love and cared for. It is very important that everyone in the household is on board and will be caring to a new addition.
Adopter agrees pet will not be used in research of illegal activities.
Adopter agrees to provide adequate food, water, shelter, medical care and emotional support for pet.
Adopter may return pet within 30 days and receive a voucher for another BCHS pet.
Adopter agrees to accept pet as his/her own risk, hereby releasing and waving any right that he/she may have now or in the future for any damages to person or property caused by pet.
Adopter agrees to register microchip in their name using their current address and phone number by using the mail-in information that will be attached to the actual adoption paper. Calling HomeAgain at 1-888-466-3242, or by using their website at Adopter will also update information anytime he/she moves or changes phone numbers.
Do you agree to keep your new kitty as an indoor only kitty? (Unless specifically described as a kitty that may benefit from being an inside/outside or outside only kitty in their biography description, all our kitties are adopted out as indoor only kitties.)
Do you agree NOT to declaw your new kitty? (For the health and welfare of our felines we do not adopt out animals if there is an intent in having them declawed.)
Is every adult in the household aware you are adopting a new kitty? (If it's a surprise, is it something they would be ok with?)
Are there any known allergies to cats in the household? (if you answer yes then it is a good idea NOT to get a kitty.)
You are aware that cats live an average lifespan of 12-18+ years and are willing to make a lifetime commitment to your new kitty?
Renters: does your lease/landlord allow cats. and do you have permission to adopt?
You agree to contact us in the first two weeks of adoption to let us know how your new kitty is adjusting, either by text/call (208) 680-3881 or message us on Facebook at Bingham County Humane Societies: does your lease/landlord allow cats. and do you have permission to adopt?
As per our contract, you agree if something happens and you can no longer keep your kitty, you will give the kitty back to our shelter so we can find it a new home?
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